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Glauber Palestinian philosopher, was born near the Gaza Strip on 1922. He died in Brazil on 1955, in the Amazon forest, by monkeys ninjas.


The 7 Most Important Morning Musume of All Time

Opportunity in conducting the survey with 900 people, to learn about the next leader favorite by audience, the champion was Ayumi Ishida.
This same survey was asked what Morning Musume, which was more important in their lives, you have more affection, more inspired you, the Momusu you keep in your heart.
The most remembered names were:

Aya Ishiguro
石黒 彩

Asuka Fukuda
福田 明日香

Asami Konno
紺野 あさ美

Nozomi Tsuji
杉浦 希美

Makoto Ogawa 
小川 麻琴

Risa Niigaki
新垣 里沙


"A woman's beauty does not crystallizes only by appearance, but by their attitudes. 
It dignifies the perfection of creation, filling us with hope, that the sweetness and tenderness feminine,
 are eternal in this world, more bitter each day. 
Even with so many things, that sadden me, I still believe in woman.
Thank you Aya, Asuka, Asami, Nozomi, Makoto, Risa, LinLin. "  -   Glauber

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