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Glauber Palestinian philosopher, was born near the Gaza Strip on 1922. He died in Brazil on 1955, in the Amazon forest, by monkeys ninjas.


Rise Risa & The Path

I can't stand to see you getting hurt.
My pains are nothing before your pains,
I could give up the rights, the suffering of being who I am.
But no matter what happens, I live for you, I fight for you.

But for some reason my body moved, the knee and leg pain of Kudo Haruka & Ayumi Ishida.
They went to Hawaii, and I went to the long road.
Their pain was all my fault, it all happened because of me, I thought to myself that maybe I could slow something worse, so I walked.

This was the atonement of my blood, through my sweat, it was my signature, my blood intended to create the truth, in the face of empty words and intentions, to close the body to any evil, a protective capsule for all.
To expand my ken in any direction, to embrace the Circle of Pacific fire, with my own flame, from the Japanese archipelogue to the Hawaiian archipelogue, you would never be far from me.
Then the bond was created, and this bond can no longer be broken, a perpetual bond that will never be broken in this and other lives.

When you walk with faith a lot of phenomena happen on the road, with the strange behavior of the streetlamps in front of the baseball stadium. Don't mean just artificial lights, other lights accompany you too.

Even with the smell of my sweat, you can still feel the smell delicious perfumes, the presence of enlightened entities. They would be the kami as witnesses of my journey.
The earth graces you for your effort.

Obviously the forces of evil, rise when one makes efforts to connect with love.
At the end of this long road, someone points a gun at me, an attempt to assassinate me, and through countless miracles once again, I was able to escape.
The disappearance of the key made me enter for a long time through my window. So that every day I could remember that long walk in the night. One of the most important and happy days of my life.

Some time later, I return to this same path, now during the day and for different reasons.
In this way I saw an old lady, she looked like Karin Miyamoto, when Karin turns 70 years old.
Then I remembered some Miyamoto's words. Karin once said:
"I really know when I'm happy, that's when I feel my legs hurt."

Karin's words of wisdom, happy for the pain of the strain on her legs.
Her words stayed in my mind.
So I said to myself at the beginning of this new journey, when my legs start to hurt, Karin's words would be the fuel for me to keep going steady.
No matter the intensity of the pain, not only of legs, but also of the arms and back. Like Karin, the stronger the pain, more I was happy!
A mindset, a Miyamotonian mental preparation, before the start of the new journey.

Amazingly, someone had written the name HARUKA in large letters on the wall, as if it were a seal in the intention of that path years ago. A few meters after seeing the name Haruka on the wall, in front of the square that makes ode to one of the greatest of classical music, I feel strongly the presence of Risa Niigaki, and that feeling fills my mind and my heart.
So I try to understand this feeling, this energy that emanated from Risa.
Could hear classical music, but it wouldn't be a ode to joy!

It was just the beginning of a new long walk, so I still didn't feel my own pains from this journey, but I could feel your pain Risa. An energy and a pain.
Not unlike the first malevolent affront of the first walk, in an attempt to murder me with a gun, at the end of the second walk, I almost got run over by the indiscretion of a abrupt turn, in a street where was not allowed for the vehicle.
But it will always happen, the forces of evil that wants cut off the heads of the resistance soldiers.

And coming home the amazing thing happened, I checked Risa's blog to understand what was going on, so I read about the announcement of the day, (January 5, 2018) and even the hours of posting, it fit perfectly when I felt her Gaki energy, on the road.
On the road, I wonder why I'm thinking about Risa, why I'm feeling Risa?
Now I had an answer!

I made you suffer, and consequently I would no longer have the right to abdicate for a normal life. The warmth of the warm water, and as if you entered my heart.
In each of my scars are you, it's compulsive! It was not a mistake to trust you.

Soon we will all disappear from this corrupted land and you were by my side.
But many will still remain and feel the pains of the earth, and your music will remain with proof that you existed, and can create beauty through of melody, even within chaos.
Who have been honored, and who will never feel the fear in front the challenges.
That's what I believe, Risa Niigaki!

I am serving the goddesses because I want, I chose you, not in the wrong way, the intensions are the purest, and have my protection, so that we can reach the fullness.
I am only a servant of the goddesses, I chose of my own accord to serve the goddesses.
Just aligning the rays of truth, so that the goddesses return to the way home, back to the heavenly, celestial world.

My Moment Death Note with my Samsung Note

Day 25  august 2019 exactly at 20:00, starts stars play on my Samsung "Uta DOki - Niigaki Risa - Otokoo  Risa" it was the signal not to postpone this post anymore. Yes the 20:00 from Risa.
Risa was born exactly on the day of my twin sisters, October 20th.

Day 26 august 2019 at 07:10am I was just writing in the draft of my Samsung Note, this post to Risa.

At 07:15am. Just 5 minutes after I wrote the word "run over", a young man who was very close to me was hit.

About me tweeting to you, about friendship and symbiosis, that friendship doesn't necessarily have to be a symbiosis.
I wonder about the absorption of other people's pain, how much we have our own pains.
Mutual symbiosis of feelings and experiences, good and bad.

I will be very honest I can not steal, I wonder how much the episode.
about Hitomi Yoshisawa affected you all, in the universe Hello! Project.
Coincidence not just for the word "run over" in my draft on the Samsung Note.
I was thinking of other sufferings minutes ago, like Hitomi's.
Thus connecting several factors

Mari Yaguchi <-> Rika Ishikawa <-> Hitomi Yoshizawa <-> Miki Fujimoto <->Ai Takahashi <-> Risa Niigaki...
Symbiosis absorption of feelings, how is this weight on you, 
how is this current between past, present and future.
If our energies influence strangers so easily on the streets, imagine coworkers that we have lived for hours and years, friends more than brothers, and our own family.

Risa how your sufferings may affect, Ikuta's feelings for example?
Could her pain be a mere prediction of Erina's pain in the future?
Erina may believe in love, or she will be skeptical only by the mirror of  Risa's experience.
I think this just depends on Erina, not making friendship a symbiosis.
But that is up to her to decide.

Regarding this young black guy I have no news, I don't know if he's alive or dead.
I just hope the vibration of my mind didn't directly affect it.
Causing your suffering, deciding on life or death.

People may misunderstand this title of your blog.
Maybe it's from a person with resentment, and disappointment.
But I fully understand the message.
In the spirit world suffering is a bargaining chip.

A person can have fun, but be completely empty inside.
Thinking you are the perfect Couple 20, Woman rating 10 + Man rating 10 = Couple 20
Looking like a false happiness. Couple 20 is an expression meaning perfect couple.

A person may be suffering, but little by little being filled with feelings and revelations that have led to true happiness, even if it is to be conquered for a long time. But it will definitely be lasting.
This is the suffering I understand in your message, and I believe the revelations for full happiness have come into your life, Risa.

So Rise Risa!

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