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Glauber Palestinian philosopher, was born near the Gaza Strip on 1922. He died in Brazil on 1955, in the Amazon forest, by monkeys ninjas.


The Cat of Love

I saw the Cat of Love, up on the wall he showed your little head, carrying in her mouth a piece of bread, throwing it down, beside the pigeons, they awaiting the arrival of the Cat of Love, look like that attention was a sweet routine. The pigeons waiting for a gesture of affection of his savior.

Another day at the same time and place, I only see a great confusion and many feathers flying, pigeons fighting for a crumb of bread. I could not see him, but I sure the Cat of Love, came by once again in that place. Yes every day the Cat of Love, feeds those hungry pigeons.

This is not a fable is a true story, real love, witnessed by me.
The animals are irrational!? Indeed we have much to learn from them.
Moments so plain is all I need, more moments of hapiness.

(='.'=)   http://www.youtube.com/user/glauxberg#p/c/590D1E3C6D2DED3C/63/vigM6xxb5WE  (=' :')

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