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Glauber Palestinian philosopher, was born near the Gaza Strip on 1922. He died in Brazil on 1955, in the Amazon forest, by monkeys ninjas.


Centuries of Ignorance will be destroyed!

There was a time, agreed that even I could see this place, that even in dreams was something rare, in their eagerness to be there, wanted to live apart and a cheap imitation in this world, did not want to isolate myself was afraid to be alone, so that nearly threw the game we all play this game where innocence died and the possessions kept telling me, go and throw this child away, get rid of that burden, stop this journey of illusions, because the Heaven is far away.

It is difficult to return to innocence in a place where everything is chaos, this is perhaps the last generation, a generation disillusioned, very hurt, cheated, poisoned by those who find themselves in the shadows. The Prince and I were together in a long battle, so I have always been persecuted since childhood, but I tell you all my dear friends, more I suffer more I love. My brother and the Prince and many others have fallen, fallen angels in corruption, perpetuating their lineage in a common blood.

Beautiful days when I splashed the legions with salt, just when it crossed the middle arrow days or when the Bita of Baron was playing his drums at the end of Maranhão, I was there to break the powers, because I am, Lucifer try kiss me and tear my heart because of my stubbornness, it seduces me, and say silly, why you persist with my persistence, because I am. Now the bad guys jumping like gazelles, so you visited me, you wanted to scare me to discourage me, because you have the ability to probe the destinations, so that you will hate me and hate even more, because I'll show you a world to world, for this poor Orwellian society, where the shadows have a mouth of fire. How many fights!

You shoulda seen what I saw while you were in your wet dreams, we walked with Sancta, trying to revive the downtrodden in the pathways of infinity, a rescue abysmal, where not all capacity for perception can feel the slightest fragment of another world, you have to hold the dirt and Earth's Vanities. There's no way my beloved, the only way is The Narrow Way.

Wonderful Sancta that even Shakespeare can proclaim. Here comes a muse of fire that lit in the highest heaven of illusion, princes to act and monarchs to applaud the wonderful scene.
Friend makes his holiness be your eccentricity, because in a world where everyone wants to follow the easy path and off the madness and the lusts, the pieces are already in play, a humanity about to be destroyed. Time in which everyone has the obsession to become the center of attention, even if the basis of words and vulgar idiocy, so that friends massage your ego, in a domino effect of collective stupidity.

We need saints no veil or gown, we need saints in jeans and sneakers, we need saints who go to cinema, listen to music and ride with friends, we need saints who put God first place. Since the union of lovers know how to live in purity, we need modern saints, with a spirituality embedded in our time. Committed to the poor and the necessary social changes. We need saints who live in the world to sanctify the world, who are not afraid to live in the world, we need saints who love the light.

We need people who believe in God, you're not part of a cosmic accident, see the ball where you lives floating in the middle of nowhere, there is another ball that warms you, I need to mention anything else to be noticing that you live a heavenly experience that the Divine Father loves you and protect you always.
All they want is that you declare as a nothing, so it is easy to put property rights on you, like iron brands in cattle, their leaders kneel before him, and when you ask me will have to pay your bill.

All they want to see is a society doped to be an easy task to put the halter. With a false sense of freedom. We need saints who are in the world to know and enjoy things pure and good in the world but they are not worldly. Love is sacred and divine is not afraid to grow.

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