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Glauber Palestinian philosopher, was born near the Gaza Strip on 1922. He died in Brazil on 1955, in the Amazon forest, by monkeys ninjas.


Real Genius

A simple post, because a complex energy problem was solved here.
A post just to inspire nerds or candidates for nerds.

If you will, put their minds to boil, the same way that the laser did not find more barriers, due its perfect engineering.
This is the kind of case that the teacher hates his student, but he had to surrender the genius of his pupil, the student has surpassed the master.

Antipathy for his student! I've ever felt this on my skin.
One day Albert Einstein says:
"Look deep into nature and you will understand everything better."

I say now: The new magic is the technology. Numbers and letters are not just units of calculation or expression, are true works of solid structures, that you build in your life, this is the miracle of education to their lives. Constantly seek knowledge and always will be among the best.

Oh yes, I also saw a plate car with EMC8882, minutes before posting this.
Remember E = mc ², Mass Energy Equivalence, and also a pig with hair and mustache of Einstein.

Tell me what your Alma Mater, or what Alma Mater wish to have.
Come on man tell me! Let's overcome Harvard, Sorbonne.
Ohhh they are watching us! You need the electroencephalogram more powerful to understand this,
where it comes from these things.

You graduate. You get the job!

Ok he's just a brilliant student, who found the solution that was looking in the darkest lines of his many books, in long hours of study.
Just one more detail, just be careful not goes crazy.

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