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Glauber Palestinian philosopher, was born near the Gaza Strip on 1922. He died in Brazil on 1955, in the Amazon forest, by monkeys ninjas.


The Premonition of Miguel Panduwinata 11 year old - Malaysia Airlines

Before talking about Miguel and the phenomenon 11, I'll just recap some things, how all started with the number 11, eleven of Lena-Sama, our Tanaka Reina (yes that Rock Star Girl) a friend who was born in 11/11/89.
My joke that became a premonition. It was just a bad joke with Reina Tanaka and a supposed plane crash, and Reina with his wings could fly and survive. Here the Twitter:

The Famous 666, was just kidding with the side a bit tenebrous of Tanaka San Des,
purposely my Twitter number 2666.
16 July 2014.

17 July 2014, few hours after my twitter, the Boeing 777-200 of Malaysia Airlines MH17 crashed in east of Ukraine, killing 295 people, hit by a missile. Dutch were the majority in flight.

+ More 3 accidents, same date.

17 july 1996 - Flight 800 TWA - 230 deaths, New York - United States
17 july 2000 - Flight 7412 Alliance Air - 55 deaths, Patna - India
17 july 2007 - Flight JJ 3054 TAM - 199 deaths, São Paulo - Brasil

So began the phenomenon of the number 11, of my friend Reina.

11 Terrorists in another flight

11 Nationalities

Leading us to 9/11

Marina persists in appearing sometimes.

Stock Exchange, Malaysia Airlines Fall 11%

Stock Exchange new update, 
Malaysia Airlines now fallen 11,11%


“Mama, I’m going to miss you,” 11-year-old Miguel Panduwinata told his mother before boarding Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17 on the night of July 16. “What will happen if the airplane crashes?”

Those were the last words he would ever speak to his mother.

Samira Calehr told the Associated Press on Wednesday of her son’s premonition in the hours before before Flight MH17 was shot down over eastern Ukraine on Thursday. Calehr said her son, who is well-traveled and “normally cheerful,” kept asking her about death, his soul and God in the days before he became a victim in the Malaysia Airlines tragedy.

“How would you choose to die?” a worried Miguel asked his mother. “What would happen to my body if I was buried? Would I not feel anything because our souls go back to God?”

Calehr said she thought Miguel was just going to miss her. “Mama, may I hug you?” the child reportedly asked, and Calehr said she held him the entire night before his doomed trip.

Miguel and his 19-year-old brother, Shaka, of Amsterdam were en route to Bali to visit their grandmother and enjoy a vacation jet-skiing and surfing. Calehr said Shaka had dreams of being a textile engineer, for which he just finished his first year of college, and Miguel wanted to be a go-kart race driver.

The boys hugged their mother outside of customs at Schiphol Airport and walked toward passport control to board the plane.

“Mama, I’m going to miss you,” Miguel said, hugging his mother. “What will happen if the airplane crashes?”

“Don’t say that,” Calehr remembered saying. “Everything will be OK.”

Calehr said she watched as her sons walked away, but Miguel’s “big brown eyes looked sad” as he kept looking back. Shaka told his mother earlier he would watch over Miguel.

“I will take care of him,” Shaka told his mother. “He’s my baby.”

Calehr’s other son, 16-year-old Mika, was unable to get a seat on Flight MH17 and was planning to travel to Bali the following day. Mika was going to bring socks along with him for Shaka, who was worried he had forgotten to pack them.

Calehr said she learned of the crash just after purchasing the socks for Shaka in Amsterdam.

“Where are you?” her friend Aan, who accompanied her to drop the boys off at the airport, screamed on the phone. “The plane crashed!”

Calehr said she went home and fainted.

“I should have listened to him,” she told The AP. “I should have listened to him.”

The family has set up a condolence page for Shaka Calehr and Miguel Panduwinata.

I wish that our prayers Sayumi, go up to the heaven,
equals soap bubbles to cheer the soul of our little Miguel.
Are 11 years the soap bubbles of song, equal age of Miguel, which continues this strong synchronicity with your eternal friend Reina, dear Michishige. ありがとう 道重 さゆみ
Was walking and thinking about these words for Miguel, appeared soap bubbles. I got touch 4 soap bubbles, infinite and pure sincerity of heart.
I believe in the perfect life, and that moment this is the life that Miguel is living.

Bubbles by:




Dos majestosos campos verdejantes de golfe, até aos campos secos da miséria e da fome.
Morte e Vida Severina (Seven Erina 1997/7/7 17 anos)
Ayumi, janeiro 7, 1997 17 anos
Haruna, novembro 7
Masaki, Maio 7

Seria esse os Campos Elísios!?

Desse jeito Tsunku B♂y vai destruir o Jackpot, arruinar o casino, das 10 meninas, 4 nasceram no dia 7.
Para ele não é suficiente a trinca de 7, Tsunku precisa quadruplicar a sorte 7777

Pronto ele conseguiu de novo, de fato Tsunku quadruplicou, mantenham esse cara longe de Las Vegas.
Bem distante de Macau. $$$$

Braços fortes para fortes tacadas, essa é Erina Ikuta.
Será que esse anjo forte pode livrar você da desgraça.
Eu acho que não, nenhum anjo ou arcanjo pode salvar você, é difícil para qualquer anjo te ajudar,
 se você não começar a mudança, a partir de uma auto reflexão.
Grandioso 7 o numero da perfeição de Deus.

--------- + --------

A terra abaixo que você herdou, será essa a terra que continuaras habitando.
O inferno dos barrigas inchadas, mas suas barrigas são vazias de comida.
O que será que tem dentro de suas barrigas?
Em verdade vós digo irmãos, que o estrangeiro pecaminoso há de retornar para o inferno dos barrigas inchadas, para o terceiro mundo. Escapulir para o segundo, para quem sabe retornar para o primeiro.

E que suportou com justiça e dignidade as mazelas do terceiro mundo, 
galgará a Linha do Equador, ou muito mais além, até que sabe escapar deste planeta.
Saindo da terceira dimensão, para a quarta dimensão.
Nada esta parado, tudo esta em transformação, em constante evolução e movimento.

Agora é a terra da tapioca que tanto vocês gostam.
Mandioca da tapioca regada a lagrimas.

Fiquei um pouco na duvida de como organizar as imagens e minhas ideias neste post. Mas pelo obvio lulante eu coloquei o inferno embaixo e o paraíso dos campos verdejantes do golfe, na parte de cima do post, junto com a alegria e a sorte 777 E+7. Tudo é dor abaixo da linha do Equador. Hemisferio Sul de sofrimento, dor e miséria  O que meu chara viu em tudo isso? Tudo que foi criado de melhor por ele, foi inspirado nessa terra rachada. Ave, ave, ave Maria, Ave, ave, ave Maria.

Eu não  sinto nenhum fio de encanto em poesias do sertão, que apenas retratam a dor, nem chance nenhuma de glamuralizar bolsões de miséria, igual as favelas. Para mim aquilo é como um câncer se espalhado pelo rocha saudável, ou um belo monte que outrora era como um pulmão respirando forte, e agora com aquelas casinhas horríveis espalhando lixo e esgoto.
A maldição do sertão não é carregada pelo natureza, retendo as suas chuvas, a miséria é levada pelo próprio povo que habita nela.

João Cabral de Melo Neto constrói, através de uma coletânea de poemas, a triste saga do retirante nordestino em busca de melhores condições de vida no litoral. O título da obra já mostra bastante sobre a realidade do sertanejo: a antítese “vida e morte” elucida a presença constante da morte na vida do retirante, que é representado ainda no título pela adjetivação do substantivo próprio “Severino”.

A primeira parte da obra trata sobre a viagem que o protagonista – Severino da Maria – empreende ao sair do sertão na tentativa de fugir da morte. Seu nome é proposital: a não especificação de seu nome, ou seja, a ausência de um sobrenome denota o enorme número de Severinos que vivem em condições precárias no nordeste brasileiro. Severino da Maria nada mais é do que a representação de todos os retirantes.
Tem-se a constante impressão de movimento à medida que o texto vai se desenvolvendo através da viagem de Severino. Aspectos físicos, climáticos e socioeconômicos vão sendo revelados nos relatos e nos diálogos realizados.

A coletânea parece uma sobreposição de fotografias da viagem do retirante, que vai sendo fotografado em todas as localidades onde se encontra.
A segunda parte da obra já relata a chegada e a estadia do personagem principal da cidade de Recife. A desilusão do sertanejo é evidenciada em sua conversa com José, mestre carpina - morador de um dos mocambos localizados entre o cais e a água do rio - na qual Severino confessa sua vontade de cometer suicídio. O retirante que tentava fugir da morte não encontrou a vida na capital pernambucana.

No meio do diálogo vem a notícia que o filho de José acaba de nascer. Um grande número de pessoas vêm fazer visita ao recém nascido. É uma clara comparação com o nascimento de Jesus Cristo, um menino pobre e fadado ao sofrimento. Algumas ciganas presentes vaticinam o futuro da criança. Embora Recife se modernize, o futuro homem oferecerá sua mão de obra em uma fábrica e continuará sendo subjugado pela elite recifense.

O céu é o inferno já podem ser perfeitamente vislumbrados aqui na terra.

O céu

Ou o inferno é você quem escolhe é você quem faz, a justiça de Deus é perfeita.
Nada pode alterar isso. 

É necessário expurgar os seus pecados, estar próximo a perfeição, imitar o divino.
Tu seras um escudo vivo é nenhum dos 7 pecados vai se aproximar de você.
E mesmo na perfeição vai caminhar com um cajado para suportar o peso desse calvário.

Me diga exatamente o porque da dor e do sofrimento.
Para tudo existe uma causa, anjos como Erina ou arcanjos só podem começar a atuar na sua vida, quando você se chocar com aquilo que de fato você é.
E isso, é muito além de sua imagem no espelho. É realmente assustador.

Para quem não sabe, os 7 pecados capitais são:
A Gula, a Avareza, a Luxúria, a Ira, a Inveja, a Preguiça e a Vaidade.


Peaceful Day in Gakiland

"There is no injustice in the world, because the justice of God is perfect."


Glauber 2 Prophecies, Palmer Luckey The Next Billionaire & Flight 2666 Malaysia Airlines

Another prophecy of the prophet cursed.
I said this over a year ago:

glauxberg - "Palmer Luckey (The Lucky Guy) the next billionaire."

However an infidel wanted to doubt my words
TeenageIronman - "not true, bigger companies will begin to make their own vr headsets and they will crush oculus, then carmack will ditch palmer."

Video comments of:
SXSW 2013 VR Panel: Virtual Reality - The Holy Grail of Gaming

Curiously TeenageIronman, because of an Iron Man of real life is one of my motivations to live in California.

Well dear jkflipflop98, I and Erina will be billionaires with the new company Eriphone®.
Golf and Angry Birds have their similarities, it is necessary, very accurately Koharu. 
Because of that Erina is my associate, she plays golf even under storm. 
Ikuta has full control of ball, in the majestic green fields. 
Trademark, now patented.
Eripon Eriphone®  q[-'.'-]p  The Best Quality of Sound! 

California and its magic garages, again everything happens in California garages. Are stories that multiply. Stories of dreams, improbable stories of persistence and faith. Stories of geniuses, like Walter Elias Disney in another California garage, birthplace of Mickey, Donald, Pluto and many other wonderful characters. I spoke about airplanes, a brief research about the life of Walt Disney, I discovered that the first animated film of Mickey Mouse was Crazy Plane (1928). Disney himself was the original voice for Mickey. During his lifetime, he received 4 honorary Academy Awards and won 22 Academy Awards.

This cartoon illustrates very well this post, the boldness of creation. 
Mickey made ​​his own plane, and learned to fly on their own. The self-taught, this is California spirit. Which is the mystery of these garages, things that arise and will never would gain life at a university.

Apple has also emerged garage in California, a boy 12 year old named Steve Jobs phoned to William Hewlett, to say he was building an electrical appliance. During this conversation that lasted 20 minutes, Jobs got the parts he needed to complete your project in work of summer  at HP. A few years later Steve met Stephen Wozniak, a super talented young that at age 13, he had built a sophisticated calculator.
In 1975 Wozniak had improved his calculator, almost turn your calculator the first personal computer and took her to HP, where he worked as an engineer and also the Atari company, where Steve Jobs worked. HP and Atari refused the concept, then the 2 boys started the company Apple together in the family garage of Jobs, where the 1st Apple devices were built.
The Apple I was sold as a motherboard (with CPU, RAM, and basic textual-video chips), which is less than what is today considered a complete personal computer. The Apple I went on sale in July 1976 and was market-priced at $666.66 ($2,763 in 2014 dollars, adjusted for inflation)

Paul Allen and William Henry Gates III met at a private school in Lakeside California. This institution was one of the first to have a computer available to students the 70s. Bill Gates was the one who approached from that thing, a PDP-10, where he spent a lot of time. Result of this addiction, contacted Paul had also become addicted the computer. 
Paul Allen and Bill Gates, childhood friends with a passion in computer programming, were seeking to make a successful business utilizing their shared skills. In 1972 they founded their first company named Traf-O-Data, which offered a rudimentary computer that tracked and analyzed automobile traffic data.
In 1969 Paul, Bill and 2 other students formed a company in a way that would be the seed for the birth of Microsoft in 1975. Onset of this commercial relationship between Paul Allen and Bill Gates happened in the Gates family garage.

Google began in January 1996 as a research project by Larry Page and Sergey Brin when they were both PhD students at Stanford University in Stanford, California.
While conventional search engines ranked results by counting how many times the search terms appeared on the page, the two theorized about a better system that analyzed the relationships between websites. They called this new technology PageRank; it determined a website's relevance by the number of pages, and the importance of those pages, that linked back to the original site.
The domain name for Google was registered on September 15, 1997, and the company was incorporated on September 4, 1998. It was based in the garage of a friend (Susan Wojcicki) in Menlo Park, California. Craig Silverstein, a fellow PhD student at Stanford, was hired as the first employee.

Chad Hurley and Steve Chen were in 2005 a party of Valentine's Day celebrated in California. There met many employees the company Paypal, where they had worked and had met. The charge of making the video of the party spent the whole time complaining about how hard it was then share the images with the rest of the staff through the Internet. Chad and Steve "clung" to the idea and together Jawed Karim, another computer, they set to work on a site that would allow up and share videos easily. For that joined in Hurley's garage in San Francisco where it originated what later became one of the most profitable businesses in the network.

Bill Hewlett and Dave Packard graduated with degrees in electrical engineering from Stanford University in 1935. The company originated in a garage in nearby Palo Alto during a fellowship they had with a past professor, Frederick Terman at Stanford during the Great Depression. Terman was considered a mentor to them in forming Hewlett-Packard. In 1939, Packard and Hewlett established Hewlett-Packard (HP) in Packard's garage with an initial capital investment of US$538. Hewlett and Packard tossed a coin to decide whether the company they founded would be called Hewlett-Packard or Packard-Hewlett. HP incorporated on August 18, 1947, and went public on November 6, 1957.

Of the many projects they worked on, their very first financially successful product was a precision audio oscillator, the Model HP200A. Their innovation was the use of a small incandescent light bulb (known as a "pilot light") as a temperature dependent resistor in a critical portion of the circuit, the negative feedback loop which stabilized the amplitude of the output sinusoidal waveform. This allowed them to sell the Model 200A for $54.40 when competitors were selling less stable oscillators for over $200. The Model 200 series of generators continued until at least 1972 as the 200AB, still tube-based but improved in design through the years.
One of the company's earliest customers was Walt Disney Productions which bought eight Model 200B oscillators (at $71.50 each) for use in certifying the Fantasound surround sound systems installed in theaters for the movie Fantasia.

A little more about Palmer Luckey & the billionaire prophecy
Palmer, another boy genius who brought of your garage in California. 
This device that enchant the world.

It is clear that the garages have been very important in the development of great companies. 
Although not necessary to forget, that not only is the location that makes the magic, but also that thinking, daring and innovative minds, like these genius.

Understand a bit of Oculus Rift why all the success is all possibility of this device for many different application, entertainment (games, movies ...) science (engineering, medicine ...)
Finally Virtual Reality enthusiasts. VR is now a reality.

I would like to finish this post with the fun video of roller coaster (Russian Mountain in Brazil).
But unfortunately the real reality called Glauber the damn prophet.
It was just a bad joke with Reina Tanaka and a supposed plane crash, and Reina with his wings could fly and survive. Here the Twitter:

Playing a little, with the side a bit tenebrous of Tanaka San Des (Lena-Sama has also needs a lot of prayer), this number was purposely my Twitter number 2666, 16th of July.

A few hours later already July 17, the Boeing 777-200 of Malaysia Airlines crashed in the east of Ukraine, killing 295 people, hit by a missile. Dutch were the majority in flight.

Before being informed of this tragedy, I spent near where another accident happened, also on July 17, 2007, with TAM aircraft at Congonhas Sao Paulo airport.
Killing 187 people who were on board and another 12 on the ground.

Malaysia Airlines also sharing the date with the tragedy of flight 800 TWA, 
that crashed in Long Island 
July 17, 1996. Killing 230 people.

Weird facts with the last 2 tragedies of Malaysia Airlines, 14 march 2014 flight MH370 disappeared forever, and now just 4 months after, the flight MH-17, 17 july 2014, hit by a missile.
With less relevant cause, the 1st World War began, with that a lot of gunpowder may explode.