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Glauber Palestinian philosopher, was born near the Gaza Strip on 1922. He died in Brazil on 1955, in the Amazon forest, by monkeys ninjas.


Powerful Legs Morning Musume

I'm very excited Tsunkuby, very excited Mann , very excited Mann , Mann Mann ♂ , Mann ♂ is correct this with 2 nn . Because of the Big Trucks, many Big Trucks on the highway Mann .
Mann ♂ has many legs here, not only to exalt the Powerful Legs of Mizuki, even today is the day 30.

Talking about the number 30, we have a new record of congestion, are 300 km, occurred at 19:30 in São Paulo, determined by the institute #TeamMizuKiKiPowerChi , record to honor Mizuki, 
After a record cold, I want to warm me.
Here has many hot girls, the heat just looking, warming eyes Mann , testosterone boiling .

Ayumi you are beautiful, too beautiful (many sighs). Sayashi Riha Riha always seems to have a shorter skirt, no different with the short. Sayumi appears that gained weight, the right weight, perfect.
Oda is well packed, i thought that Sakura was skinny, pleasant surprise lathed. The side of Queen Mystic Sato this excellent, get a sense of what you're high, on top of the world.
Haruna agile legs, a worthy heroine, Kanon are vying for the title of Powerful Legs against Mizuki, which is the stronger leg? Erina is a bit shy for my comments more malicious, if I talk too much green will ripen.
And Haruka heeled hummmhh! How long time, time passed very fast, you are growing too fast, this is good.
Haruka, i remember the time, that we just played of little house.

Dancing is good for the legs, the male audience Mann , thanks. Great wallpaper for my Android
Better stop here, almost bleeding nose, testosterone boiling hot. All are so beautiful so soft, you take me home?



Talvez muitas coisas que eu fale possa parecer absurda, alienação, por mais que pareça ser evidente os meu delírios, os sinais testificam minhas palavras. Jesus falou, se não houver sinais que acreditará?!

Logo após eu ter falado sobre Eike, o Papa é a perseguição ao cristianismo no Facebook:

Minutos depois eu vi um nome parecido com Eike em uma fonte junto ao simbolo maior do cristianismo, que esta presente em diversas culturas desde de tempos imemoriais, a chamada Cruz do Sol. Esta Cruz apareceu pela 1º vez antes mesmo do advento do cristianismo, na cultura celta por exemplo.

Uma fonte com colunas douradas, provavelmente foi a assinatura do artista para a sua obra. Mas a forma que esta fonte apareceu para mim, parece que fui conduzido, e o flagrante deste pequeno detalhe desta obra, logo apos citar Eike e Cristianismo.  A forma da letra E formado por 3 linhas paralelas, igual a 3 i's deitados.
Eu tinha mencionado um E semelhante a 3 semanas atrás em um post anterior sobre a cantora Erina Ikuta, falei de uma bolsa estampada com a letra I de Ikuta formando a letra E de Erina.

Fotografei a fonte e os sinais foram se sucedendo mais e mais, das mais diversas formas, coisas que fica até difícil para mim apresentar, pois é um forma de percepção de interpretação intima muito abstrata que só eu posso entender. E a fonte tem uma simbologia muito forte na minha vida.
Vi em muros outras letras com paralelas semelhantes acompanhando, igual ao titulo deste post.

Eu vi um Twitter do Thor e um do Eike, você escreveram o nome Jesus Cristo. Perseverem mais neste nome, confessem mais esse nome da forma como vocês fizeram. O Sol que é o seu simbolo sempre o acompanhará. Mas o preço de confessar esse nome é muito duro. Pois isso desperta a Sabedoria Crística, essa sabedoria esta pautada pela dor. O caminho estreito é o único caminho para estas pessoas. Por mais que se tenha o conhecimento da riqueza da coroa dos escolhidos, os escolhidos aceitam o desprendimento, para focar a Luz maior em suas vidas.
Aceitem a dor, suportem todas as chagas em suas vidas, o vindouro galardão chegará.


Koharu Rain

The gold and the letter in his neck, something mysterious and divine.
The clouds persecute me, and watering the exact 15:32 in my main vortex, where ever I see the dew wetting in the morning, killing the thirst of dry days. Now the rain soaked everything in my path.

In the distance I heard people screaming because the rain soaked all of them unexpectedly. I was on the hill, while the rain is approaching slowly, I was the last to receive those drops. It was a golden rain, for the sun disputed space between the gray and white clouds.
In my childhood after an excellent fishing, remember that I ran from one cloud like a cartoon character, because the cloud was small, looked like a giant shower floating on top of my head, I could see the rain a few meters from me, was funny and after a long time, similar scene happened, exactly on the day of your birthday Koharu. A magical moment in my magical place.

Rain with a perfect combination turned into drops of gold with the few rays of sun, like the choker around her neck, with the letter which also glowed golden. How to interpret this vision just in the last day 15, one month before his birthday.
Even in discouragement, you understood what i was trying to talk. Already make​​up and dressed in his dressing room, ready to shine, you're back to your universe.

What can I say other afternoons, where the feeling came stronger and my face turned into rain, and i could not understand, will never understand, you Koharu exceeded the sublime, something that, i thought would never be achieved. Maybe it was the Gem Gold in January 15 he returned to bless again, this morning and afternoon. Floating in the air where I saw the first leaves of the Tree of Life. Maybe I have not been righteous enough with you, for not understanding the expression, not understanding why the sublime can be achieved. But life always wants to surprise us, delight us more and more, and you Koharu did this to me.
Thank you Koharu, Thank you.

So I speak my sentences for 2 times. These tears nevermore Koharu, nevermore, you is very strong.  The answer is simple, you know. Not fear, all this spiritual pressure.
Remember I will protect your happiness. 
Is still 15. Koharu sometimes is quite complicated for a man to undertand the purpose of fighting. Or why supporting, the weight of the armor. I sought wisdow under the Sun, while I saw you in the Rain.


The Girlfriend - Sayumi Michishige 道重さゆみ

If you want to be my girlfriend
Ah, what a beautiful girlfriend
You could be
If you want to be my only
Exactly this little something
This whole thing my
That no one can be

You've got to take an oath
Only having one thought
Being only my, even die
And also do not lose that little way
To speak slowly
These stories of You
And suddenly I do a lot of affection
And well cry softly
Without anyone knowing why

Most if more than my girlfriend
You want to be my lover
My beloved, most loved, for real
The one beloved by love predestined
Without which life is nothing
Without which one wants to die

You have to come with me on my way
And maybe my way is sad for you
And your eyes must be just my eyes
Your arms my nest
In the silence after
And you have to be the ultimate star
My friend and companion
At infinity of us 2


Erina Fluffys Fluor Chlorophyll

Sure I'll talk about green things, but not necessarily in botanic, but the nature 'll be always in my words. Today I approached of nature in a different way, just climbing a steep lawn with my notebook in hand, thinking of things to write for Erina, at this time I completely off, disconnect of technology, I was just thinking of Erina, with my notebook.

In the distance I saw a white tree, I decided to climb toward the tree. When I got near the tree, i had a pleasant surprise. In the tree was written Eri and Anna. If you put the words together (Erianna) looks like Erina. My thoughts in Erina attracted to me the white tree, with Eri and Anna.

Few minutes later I went to the place of Sakuras, are thousands Sakuras.
Sakuras with few flowers, but the only one tree caught my attention again. Sakura was the only one with the leaves with a bright tone, Fluorescent with the sunshine, was a single tree. I said to myself. This is the Sakura, Erina's Sakura. 2 trees to Ikuta, White Tree and Sakura bright green.

Really I am very happy, I hope to return soon, to the place with the camera, to record that I saw. I said I like to disconnect of technology, but it is important to record, signs from the heart of Erina to my heart and soul.

There is a profile curious of Erina on Twitter called @namata_bot2012. In my native language portuguese, "na mata" mean "in the forest"  "within the forest". Greener more nature to Erina with the name Namata. And I just found these things because I was "Within the Forest" or "Na Mata".
At the moment that i make this deduction, I go on Youtube, that was highlighting the show live, of singer Vanessa da Mata. Really amazing!

But the most amazing happened an hour before. Ikuta I have a technique of meditation that my Master taught me. I stretch on the floor or bed.
Lift my left forearm, which acts like an antenna. I focused on you Erina, asked to myself, why I'm feeling the power of this girl, why this energy expanding impressively, Erina has the look of a different tension.
Looks like Erina asks to herself, about the condition of her own power. And why the words came out of me Fluorescent chlorophyll?

Then dipping in these questions about Erina, with my eyes closed, something extraordinary happened. I smelled chlorophyll inside the bedroom. I breathed an air freshener of chlorophyll for 5 minutes during my meditation. Erina really fantastic, fantastic!
When I opened my eyes astonished with this experience. Still incredulous did a search through my bedroom, trying to find a toothpaste open, because the impression was that it looked like i had a mustache with fluor. The refreshing smell went straight to my nose. But I did not find any toothpaste open inside my room.

Then I realized the real power of this olfactory experience, the real power of Erina Ikuta.

After I visited Reina's Blog, had a picture of her, it seems she was brushing her teeth. http://ameblo.jp/tanakareina-blog/entry-11524759183.html "Toujours Sacred Comique Lena-Sama" :)
Reina and Erina, similar names, just need to reverse R E. Lena Sama & Elina

At this time he spent a lot of dried leaves, but the leaves are Ayumi's Leaves, that's another story.

It also apeared a lot the license plates, all plates begin with the letter E.
EKR4824    EWM5545    EEF8422   EMR7773 ... It was a combo of 27 license plates with the letter E. And when I start thinking about Erina, starts to show the signs again, sync automatically.
I said previously its combination 1997-7-7 (777) is one of the most powerful in sacred numerology (19 is also 7pm). I found much my 2 and 7 of its various forms. 72 27 7772... Etc...

Erina the truth is that this is happening all the time, rested by chance,  before another white tree, and there was his number 7, then passed someone with a green shirt fluorescent of soccer team called Palmeiras (Palmeiras is also a name of a tree). I turned on the radio, was a game of Palmeiras and the first thing that the narrator talked, was about the green uniform fluorescent, the fans like. A few moments the narration was interrupted to talk about the accident with the Boeing 777 in San Francisco, all in the day of his birthday Ikuta.

If I talk about everything that happens, I will not have time, but only mention one more thing, I saw a woman with a bag with various shades of green, with many letters E in pattern. The letter E was formed with the letter I, you can understand. Letter I of Ikuta, forming the letter E of Erina in a pattern with various shades of green, very cool.

Erina the power of love is real, no matter whether this energy can attract the envy of darkness, feeling and technique, in golf, dance, music, meditation, in everything, other phenomena will be awakened, always keep believing.

by #TeamErinaFluffysFluorChlorophyll


Bonito Boy Brayan Bolivia

Como ya he dicho que el sufrimiento para nosotros. Vivir, trabajar en un país diferente. Después de esta tragedia, la calle Coímbra y la plaza Kantuta en São Paulo, probablemente nunda tendrá la misma alegría. Incluso con el toque dulce de la música, la comida deliciosa y la unión de la comunidad boliviana. El dolor y la cicatriz es profunda, muy difícil de olvidar, que marca para simpre en nuestras vidas.

Siempre he estado muy cerca de la comunidad boliviana, estoy profundamente consternado por la muerte cruel del muchacho Brayan Yanarico Capcha, 5 años, 6 años sería el próximo 6 de julio.

Feliz para una fiesta de cumpleaños, comenzó a diseñar las invitaciones para dar a los amigos. 6 ladrones entraron en su casa. Brayan fue asesinado durante un robo porque su llanto enfureció los ladrones.
Brayan quería entregar monedas para los malvados, era todo lo que tenía, suplicó por su vida y la de sus padres, Brayan silencio con el tiro. Le dispararon en la cabeza, mientras que en el regazo de su madre.

Brayan sabía lo que iba a ganar en la fiesta de cumpleaños. Había dado 3 opciones de regalo como: un cochecito, un muñeco del Pájaro Loco o un traje nuevo.

Brayan era un muchacho alegre estupendo que aprendió a hablar portugués solo, y fue la enseñanza la lengua a su madre. Sé que el dolor de sus padres es el mismo dolor de todos los bolivianos, la explotación, viven en condiciones deplorables. Usted mismo siendo tan pequeño también sentía su dolor. Así que le pidió regresar a Bolivia. Su padres también comenzaron el deseo de regresar , sobre todo porque usted no se estaban estudiando. Pero el dolor se hizo mayor, ya que sus palabras se convirtió en el precursor de la energía del corazón de un niño.

Brayan mientras escribía, ahora dibujar el Pájaro Loco, el muñeco que quería.
Pero me decidí por este camión porque era mi juguete favorito cuando era niño, yendo alrededor de la manzana, tirando de una cuerda.

El lugar donde se encuentre Brayan, se puede jugar en paz, para siempre.
Usted Brayan ahora es verdaderamente feliz.
Nunca La Paz, esta es ahora la verdadera Paz.