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Glauber Palestinian philosopher, was born near the Gaza Strip on 1922. He died in Brazil on 1955, in the Amazon forest, by monkeys ninjas.


Abdullah And Ayaka 08/01

Ayaka Wada we will be initiated an investigation about your ease of synchronization. 
I recently talking about many kings as the King of Gakiland Donald Duck, Queen Masaki Sato, 
the King Tsunku of Tsunkuland. Behold, the King of Saudi Arabia dies, 
great leader and father that always loved, the Muslim population. 
Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Al Saud.

He died 1:00am from the current time dawn of Saudi Arabia, 
8 hours after that I mentioned his name Ayaka Wada. 
Ayaka has the same birthday of Abdullah 08/01.
Letter A, month 8 August, 8 hours after, 1 hour dawn, birthday 1.

Ayaka Wada August 1, 1994 - Abdullah Abdulaziz August 1, 1924
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الكبير الله وأسراره
عبد الله بن عبد العزيز آل سعود
أياكا ادا


Lesson with Anno Hideaki

The ghost of her still continues to be reflected, randomly watching videos on internet, i have one more observation. That Ube in Yamaguchi Prefecture is a barn of iconic personality of Japanese culture. No, Michishige Sayumi was not born on July 04, 1989 in Ube City, she was born on July 13, 1989. Mystery of number 4 of Sayumi, afterwards she can explain to you.

In a little less keen sight westerners, probably the most important animation series, most acclaimed after AKARI, err... sorry AKIRA by Katsuhiro Otomo, is the creation of Mr. Hideaki Anno, the animation Neon Genesis Evangelion. 
Formed in the Osaka University of Arts, prize winner of the Japan Academy Prize for Popularity Award - Most popular film.

Anno Hideaki born May 22, 1960 in Ube City.

Creator of captivating characters that everybody knows.
The enigmatic child Number 0 Rei Ayanami, the confused child Number 1 Shinji Akari ... err is Shinji Ikari sorry, hte explosive personality of child Number 2 Asuka Langley Soryu.

Among others, the officer Misato Katsuragi, NERV's chief scientist Ritsuko Akagi, and Gendo Ikari the commander of NERV and father of Shinji Ikari.

A curious fact of Evangelion philosophy, I can classify as a mix theological philosophical, expressed by Hideaki Anno, through the commander Gendo Ikari.
Whatever how complex are the machines, the magnitude technological employed by the wisdom and human ego, whether in rockets, satellites and even the Evangelions, this symbiosis biomolecular and robotics. The flesh steeped in steel.

Gendo Ikari or Hideaki this more concerned, their highest priority and the human instrumentality. Some may confuse this as the return to nothingness through death is just a return to the state of being, and only return to the primal utero, we lost so much time, all souls and mind have become one, reaching a state of eternal peace and that is the end goal, that's instrumentality.

Our souls are incomplete, a feeling that haunts all beings from the first thought, the man always knew the emptiness that resides in your heart, seek to escape this empty and that darkness, but they do not disappear and no one could ever escape.

I believe that having a bit of Dr. Ritsuko Akagi's faith, in that second anguish of a countdown, can be transformed into meekness times, to solve the most complex problem.

Why i can pay more attention, to simple train line to the space, drawing by Mr. Yamada boy.
Because this is a little Yamada's reveals his soul. And human instrumentality is the construction of perfect soul, for that is the heritage perpetuates of any human being in this world.
I believe that this is the message, that Hideaki Anno wanted to convey to us.

In 2015, the children of God, will fight against his own Father.
The Creator will sow Absolute Terror in the fields, through its army of Angels ...
And if they are not defeated, there will be no future, there will not be longer time ...
To conquer the Divine Power, the human ego should control the power of technology ...
Only the pure instinct of the ones, will have soul to fight ...

The series of Japanese animation, which exploded doubt instigated in Western civilization.
Man is God's creation or this a product of man.
Then comes the drama of the battle, between devotion for God and the cult of man.
This is Neon Genesis Evangelion

And one thing, Glauber want to convey to you, more the mystery outbreak, to show the world that all this, is no mere religious science fiction, this is all real!

God's In His Heaven, All's Right With The World

Who do you have faith?

School Class 2A

Wada Ayaka, Tanaka Reina & Tsugunaga Momoko, 
So the fiction became reality.

The process of mitosis in Unit 2, reached the level of numerical requirement.
Development of necrosis below 1.05
Situation normal of process apotheosis
Situation of regeneration of Unit 0 is stable.

Go down more 0.1, these readings are correct!? The systems are operating normally.
The Magi confirms that no data errors, and amazing how Wada can synchronize, 
even before doing the configuration.
But this is not possible in this system, that can not happen.
However this happening, we have to accept it and start an investigation.

The committee sent some data to report in the file Marduk.
And Reina, we are identical, the Magi will analyzing the nature of Tanaka 
and what are its powers, still dont know who she is.
Who that's girl, maybe she does not trust us.
Reina your synchronization rate even more down, I ask that you, please focus, 
do not think about anything else, do as you always did.

I do not know, we may have to replace Reina, on the other pilot for Unit 2.

And then got the data from Momoko to the False Cylinder. 
I got the data with the Lieutenant Ibuki without asking A LICENSE, 
there are things about her, that is not theoretically possible.
If the Unit 0 recognize that Momoko has a real soul and mind, everything will be fine.
I hope all is well indeed.
You do not want problems with the old men of Seele.
This it is becoming more and more mysterious.


il Buio

Martina Crepaldi Epocanuova, era sempre dolce Yuna (Final Fantasy X), 
ora arriva un Tyrone in Final Fantasy 7th Heaven (Advent Children), 
Giuseppe Tirone.

Distruggerli, li distruggono, uomo e donna, 
ardere questi mago, che ipnotizzano la gente, 
nessuno può sopportare, un altro grande persuasione Romana.

Ancora una volta mi e il gatto, viaggiato per l'inferno, e tutto è andato nero. 
Né la luce delle fiamme dell'inferno, può illuminare il buio.
anche nel buio, posso vedere tua Silhouete

Chirurgicamente aperto alla luce e le tenebre
Una scena oscura, Francesco Petrarca mai descritto.
Una pressione, Niccolò Paganini mai sentito.
Questa è la vita reale.

Franz Liszt invierà un messaggio per te.
Yuna è Martina, Martina ha il cuore di Yuna

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Reina Tanaka Nude Blue Bird

Reina I am a man with many powers, I have the power to leave you completely naked.
Not only in the virtual world. so it is better to you don't approach me.
Did you know, this blue feather is just a piece of your blue jacket, that I cut.

If I use a more professional software, I could to see your soul.
But I really need this, to see your soul!?
The blue bird is a symbolic representation of one my dreams.
You should appear more frequently, thus in our dreams Lena-Sama.
But I think, birds don't like milk and cookie, equal his tormentors cats.

The blue bird is the bird of mountain, 
had only to think of you and he appeared, in more remote location. 
I'm also a close friend of the giant and colorful birds.
Reina you need to know this Bird Sanctuary.

Day after day
I begin to find
Over a 1000 ways
to love.

Here in this city
The sunset and the landscape
Come kiss moonlight
donate happiness.

All blue
Adam and Eve, and The Paradise
All blue
Without sin and without wits

All blue
Adam and Eve, and The Paradise
All blue
Without sin and without wits

And everyday free
2 birds sing
To this love
always with...

All blue
Adam and Eve, and The Paradise
All blue
Without sin and without wits

And everyday free
2 birds sing
To this love
Always happy.

Then Reina feels the weight of guilt and shame, in the presence of the Lord.
And puts his clothes.
And shortly thereafter is expelled from Paradise.

But one day, she will come back.

Reina Tanaka was expelled from Paradise, Baby Consuelo and Pepeu Gomes, 
were expelled from Disneyland, by to be more colorful and more draw attention, than Mickey.
Sorry Baby and Pepeu, if the translation of song just above, was not so good.

With their colored hair and a bit of my ability in Photoshop,
easily turn you on birds, to fly next to the magic carpet.
In the distant past, from Persia middle east, to Edo the final of east.
Equal The 1001 Nights of Love of Pepeu.
"Eu só quero você e mais nada.
Somos 2 poemas apaixonados, poderemos sonhar..."

By Eva style and his guitar on album called UM, that's right Reina, 
the album UM (One 1) of his colleague Rock 'N Roll, means number 1.

Undressing, Reina Tanaka during afternoon (it could be the night)
putting feather of bird blue to cover the nakedness of Lena-Sama.
Here comes Baby Consuelo in the most improbable, syncro random radiophonic,

Singing Um Auê Com Você, exactly talking about birds.
The same day, I hummed happy in the breakfast, the song Sem Pecado e Sem Juízo.
For more than 1 year ago, indirectly I quoted this song for you Reina, you remember.

In a quick search on internet for news about Baby Consuelo, 
the first image that appears is You Baby Body Eva Guitar. 
I thinking and working on this theme all day.
Too powerful Cosmic Baby Consuelo.
This is Brazil Baby Lena!

PS: Baby, I also just me containing to vibrate. 
Chastity and innocence is power.