I Do not know exactly how my meeting with Aika happened, I know that during sleep, we managed to visit many parallel realities and agrees with the messages that we can remember, we feel within us. I just know that I felt a deep peace and infinite gratitude. but we also have a great fatigue mostly of conscious life. We have not yet ascended, we're only human, we're starting to think about how the 5th dimension, meaning that 3th dimension of his thoughts are heavy and slow in his mind.
Many people who are in synchronization with me, reaching higher consciousness, somehow start getting more tired and appetite increases considerably. It's a strange weariness, the more you sleep, you still have a sleep.
The fatigue I consider the weight of the Cross, the Cross of Christ, the sacred alchemy, as well as the caduceus of Hermes or the broze serpent of Moses. You must bear the weight of the Cross to the angel retain the flaming sword and allow the opening of the Garden of Eden.
Aika your earthly physical enclosure actually acts as an antenna, which can receive only the frequency with which it resonates. Eventually his earthly form will become the bridge that connects the deeper world of quantum realities with greater frequency.
My dream with Aika was on 12/12/12, after I researched and saw that your birthday is January 12th, I was really amazed.
Do not want to reveal too many details of this dream. I know it took something out of his skin.
I do not know exactly what was set. But here it is shaped .... ----------->>>>
Straight lines and curves,
but the color was not red like this example, had a vanilla color.
Aika, God put before us the great riddle of life.
Aika connection with the Light is only possible when the tuning frequency is anchored in the feeling of love and surrender. Humanity is a very special time and must extend the motivation to jump awareness that the planet has experienced in 2012 in earth time.
Therefore each of the Stars Being remains in this connection, with the intention of supporting the earth to experience the transformations that are already pronounced.
It's the time of unification, in which the Light will flood the galaxy and to activate the energy particles that promote the release of prisoner of conscience still human bonds of suffering.
These changes are necessary for the new manifestation of energy that vibrate in resonance to known and commented Photon Belt, dynamic frequency energy and potential that will lead the world into the Age of Light is important now that the beings incarnated here qualify the vibration of emotional fields to open passage to the manifestation of God point in the minds of men that the wisdom of the soul is revealed by this spiritual intelligence.
This wisdom moves towards the experience of each, but has only one meaning: to move the man from the Earth to the Collective Consciousness. For this it was necessary to walk in beauty towards opening the portal that occurred in 2012 / 12-12-12. One day particularly special for me, an experience with Aika Mitsui, probably by force 12 linked to Aika.
Portal where this was manifested, beamed the Ray of Light that comes from the center of the galaxy and fertilized the great Sun that the system in line touched the ground points of the planet's magnetic resonance (chakras). Therefore all beings that are synchronized. Synchronization is nothing more than being united to time, as it is the constant repetition of a vibration that unifies all the network links the Evolution of Consciousness.
Being well calibrated vibrates the potential of the Central Sun at its core heart transcends the vicissitudes of life, caused by the frequency of learning plexus inferior and is ready to receive this Ray Energy that will make him a being of intense luminosity. It is this power that gives you the opportunity to choose what situation or circumstance each one wants to be or live, awakening new capacity and firm purpose codes that establish more amenable to new planetary life. All that open portals offer the ability to transition from one vibrational state to another more conducive to Quantum Leap in Consciousness.
Therefore it is necessary to believe that you are growing lights, which are able to experience the transition to higher dimensions, where you can live the reality as it is. Ended the illusions of time, for those who are attuned anchors divine this time of renewal. The planet lives his initiation to 5th dimension and the voice of the Great Spirit echoes in the Universe, so you are asked to remember that child is thinking of a kind, a race Sacred Awakening now for your Galactic condition.
One must remember that as Navigators of Heaven, Star of travelers you are highly intuitive and are able to remember their origins. So the call is for the son of Divine Love, race rainbow that is involved in the blessings remember who you really are. The awakening promotes the manifestation of the gifts of the holy spirit which is moved by the force of love that unifies the purposes of Gaia.
And so moved by this force and creative power that have planetary form the network which is the purest expression of healing that transmutes all the limitations caused by the illusion of separation. Dear Aika Mitsui, I believe that the dream, what you been expelling, was a representation of an undeniable truth. Your cure for something that was still hidden, and that by the power manifested in the passage of light on 12/12/12 something transformative happened in our lives even if unconsciously.
Live in LuX, feel the LuX understand the LuX.
A hug my friend Marizilda Lopes of Extrema-MG, my friend and sister Paula X, Ashtar and the San Fairy Angels of Light and Sergio. My greatest experience with Mitsui Aika on the date 12/12/12 in the spiritual world. The Portal 2012 12/12/12 Opening Crystal of Thoth
Light walk by Light blazed through the world of consciousness.
My experience with you is reaching another level. Therefore I testify Aika Mitsui Guardian4, you are completely free.Thank God for his mercyৡ Aika ঌ thank you for this Allowing Approximation, for trusting me and together, we Fulfill this mission successful 4 წ 12
Probably you are still struggling to understand what happened. But thank you anyway, Aika for this fantastic experience.
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