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Glauber Palestinian philosopher, was born near the Gaza Strip on 1922. He died in Brazil on 1955, in the Amazon forest, by monkeys ninjas.


The Ghost and Me

When we think about ghosts we always think of the fear.
I want to talk a little bit about fear.
One way to break the fear, is when we have the conscience of whole, the macro to the microcosm. We think of subatomic particles in the micro, thinking in your body that is 100% atom. In this new cutting-edge science called Quantum Physics, we can observe a very interesting phenomenon. The nature with its full wisdom devised a shortcut to the electrons orbiting the atoms not from collapsing with each other. Let me give an example.
Imagine 2 planets (the atomic nucleus) each with 1 moon (electrons). Suddenly these planets are close, at one point of rotation of the moon of every planet, a moon will collide with another moon. Then the miracle happens, one of the moon disappears to avoid the fatal impact and reappears again following the same pattern of orbit safely.
This same mechanism diversion of collapse happens across your body, an electron disappears for not collide with another electron. Then we can consider the electron, the particle less dense of matter, with the ability to transform into an electron ghost. We are 100% atoms, 100% electrons, 100% energy, we are 100% ghosts.

Who understand my words a bit. Understand also that I'm just giving more one key to the transmutation.

Our heart emits the strongest electromagnetic field in our body. The heart's electromagnetic field is five thousand times stronger than the brain's electromagnetic field. This electromagnetic field envelops the entire body extending out in all directions, and it can be measured up to several feet outside of the body. Research shows that as we consciously focus on feeling a positive emotion it has a beneficial effect on our own health and well-being, and can have a positive affect on those around us.
 Thinking about Macrocosm I remembered another wonderful phenomenon also invisible to our eyes, but always protects us from terrible bombing of plasma from the Sun. I'm talking about the Electromagnetic Field of Earth, our protective shield that crowns the Earth at the end with a majestic Aurora Borealis.
I can call the Crown of Life of Earth because without it all'd be dead.
This is our immense guardian, the great ghost shield.

One of the conclusions about fear, that what I say is obviously not the orthodox physics, that we know the mechanics, because quantum physics is beyond all science. Here we are talking about the power of the mind. The fear of what people will think of us is the state of awareness that prevents people from making a difference. Everyone is afraid of Ghosts.
I'll tell you a little of my current reality. Today I spoke with a ghost, he appeared in the kitchen 4:44 am, the ghost was sitting in the chair and the chair moved alone when he stood up. He asked me, you are Glauber, I said yes can speak ... (I can not speak the rest of the conversation).
The most interesting that the ghost was not though, he joined me. We always have the idea that ectoplasm is cold, but when touched was hot a great feeling comfortable. My difference is that I had no fear. So I grew up in many aspects

I can consider this experience an upgrade of my soul, because until now this power is inside me.

Everyone is afraid of Little Casper, but he's a good boy!

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