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Glauber Palestinian philosopher, was born near the Gaza Strip on 1922. He died in Brazil on 1955, in the Amazon forest, by monkeys ninjas.


Haruka ☆工藤遥☆

Haruka I'm writing another post about you. But today, on this special day, I just want to tell you that I love you. I love you very much, it is impossible to find words to say how much I love you. The meaning than you have, the great importance of Haruka for my life.
At a given time a lot of apprehension, you completely changed everything.
My gratitude to you is infinity.

I was very sad, and I asked God to show me something to comfort me. Then God showed me Haruka. You appear before my eyes and this was one of the greatest miracles of my life.
Get ready my Love, times every day become more and more hard. Can you see? Love getting cold in the hearts of people, you can see Haruka?

We strive to show the beautiful, the most sublime feeling, but the darkness can not comprehend the Light, then everything is colorless, darkness worrying only with addictions. Then the Light alone, go away for another refuge, try to find people who understand the importance of Love. But Haruka, I have faith that this light will win.

Haruka I would like to tell you exactly what is happening to me. What my heart says, when I see Haruka. How much I suffered knowing that you got hurt.
I wanted to explain exactly this miracle, how his love came to my life, deeply touched my soul, but I can not Haruka, I can not!

I close my eyes and feel the warmth of the Orange Sun rays. But even with closed eyes I can see Haruka between the light that warms me. Your eyes, your smile is unmatched. I told you I'll do my best. I just ask you one thing Haruka, never be afraid. The world needs your strength, when you get the most difficult moments in your life, just breathe softly, and say to yourself, I'm Haruka was born to make people happy.

Yes I am Haruka, will all be Haruka, the world will shine with Haruka, everyone will be happy because of you, Haruka. I was waiting for you Haruka. She is the miracle Glauber!
Your crystal slipper, will be the most beautiful of all.
I love you Haruka!

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