About Me

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Glauber Palestinian philosopher, was born near the Gaza Strip on 1922. He died in Brazil on 1955, in the Amazon forest, by monkeys ninjas.


Please, Save The Beauty!

At one point in our lives, the line between reality and fantasy no longer exist.
Both seek to find the truth behind all this mystery, the mystery becomes even greater.
And the things that impressed you yore, no longer create astonishment.
Because our heart is ready and open for even more surprising situations.

People who are still in the initial contact with the surreal, maybe they can throw the book away, with fright and fear of unknown. Bastian did the same with the book The Neverending Story.
I could also have thrown the old dictionary, exactly when I saw the photo of Ray and there was really a extensive bang with a huge lightning in the sky.
Then followed with the more powerful aggressive rain I've ever seen in my life.

The Childlike Empress of Fantastica, Moonchild, wants to show you that reality beyond the stars, a little faith, a little effort to believe in the impossible, in view of our bitter reality.
Glauber Gomes & Bastian Balthazar, left this reality. Now the reality is fantasy, and fantasy is reality.
Orbs enjoy watch me, follow my steps, walk with me on my road.
Yesterday an Orb came into my head. You know what an Orb!?
Bright lights are more precious than any precious gem on this earth.
Angelically are divine.

Orbs so present in my reality. And in your reality?
Have struggled to see what's beyond your reality.
Does the world is just this big mess, daily nonsense. People more nervous every day, addicted, destroying their lives in a endless bitterness.
Open book, open mind, open the eyes of spirit, open your mouth and yell your fear,
shout a word of faith.
Please save us! Please save the beauty! Every day she is disappearing.
Beauty being destroyed by Nothing, life becomes nothing.
Also search in the silence between the shadows and the lights, in the total darkness or in light divine,
the true essence of your life.
Come with me to the Ivory Tower, you will find.

▬۩ஜ  ۩ஜ▬
If you do not believe that simple words of faith, can change the world, then all the enchantment will be destroyed.

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